Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jobs, Jets, and Jubilation!

Hi All! I keep apologizing for how seldom I do these posts, so I'm just going to accept it. It may be a few times a week, it might only be once. Either way, you will be updated on me whenever I feel like it :)

I had some good shopping time this last weekend, even though I was trying to not buy a single item. Usually I am very terrible at shopping and being fashionable, so it's easy to walk away and still have money left in my bank account. I found an awesome pea coat though. What can I say? I left all my winter clothes in NC. I HAD to buy it! I also bought a dress. It was cute... and that's all I need to justify that purchase.

GOOD NEWS! I got a job. Tuesday I had an interview standing outside on the sidewalk of Starbucks. The seats were all taken, so we stood outside and talked. I will be starting the 18th at Harry & David. She said I would have gotten a higher position than Sales, but I am leaving for the holidays. This store is a temporary store open for the holidays (90 days), which will be easier to just have the job end than me trying to convince a store that they should keep me after I have over a month vacation. I'm also ok with sales just because right now I don't really want very much responsibility when work is concerned right now. I sound lazy, but school is way more important.

School... it's good. Unfortunately, besides my Photoshop class, I am pretty bored. I'm ready to be done with the core classes and get to the good stuff! Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do. More good news: (well, good news for me) the crazy, used to braided, loud man in my English class apparently got kicked out of school because he flipped out on some girl a few days ago. Class this week was the most pleasant it has ever been. I think I can make it through the rest of the semester without having the urge to want to shove a pen in my eye. I think.

Today was great for a lot of reasons. I did some yoga and went to the gym. I have begun working out at the school gym and it is helping me feel better. Lately, I have been incredibly tired and just not into doing a whole lot. I think that will be a nice energy booster. Also, this weekend is "Fleet Week" in SF, and the Blue Angles were practicing. I LOVED the sound of the jets flying over all afternoon. I reminded me of living by Luke Airforce Base in Phoenix. We used to park at the end of the runway and watch the jets fly right over us. Can't do that anymore, of course, but it was amazing. I also remember going up on our roof and watching the jets fly in formation. A few times we were up there when the jets broke the sound barrier. Loudest sound and feeling ever. It was so cool. Needless to say, it made me very happy today. Such a cool sound.

The Fleet week will be going full force this weekend, so I think I will head down and try to get some pictures of it all. Take a look at the site for it:

Well, after working on my Photoshop homework for over 4 hours, I need to go to bed. Otherwise, I am pretty sure my head will explode. Seriously.

Nighty-night and sleep tight!