Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Dream Queen, at your service.

Well I have been quite the opposite of my last post, thank God. Luckily my sleepless nights only happened twice, and now I am on the other side of the spectrum sleeping really, really hard. The kind of sleep where I wake up with a wrinkly face, puffy eyes, and my hair completely covering my face. It's adorable, let me tell you. Luckily, after my (and everyone else's) hours have been cut, I got an extra day thrown in for work because someone was sick. All this work and school are kicking my butt and knocking me out. I love sleep mostly because of my crazy dreams. They get weirder as the moon gets fuller too. Which is exactly why I am confused about my overly-strange dreams lately. Oh well, free entertainment... who needs reality television?

Now that were are 10 days into November (12 days till Vegas & 39 to NC- yes I am still counting down), I have noticed Christmas decorations EVERYWHERE. They even started assembling a very large Christmas tree in Union Square Park.
Kinda dark, but the arm lifts have 2 guys and a huge stack of branches for this big tree
My life has been pretty boring these days. Same old thing... school, work, sleep, the occasional crazy person wandering in the streets of SF. The other night I saw a lady that had 3 inch thick thighs... she literally looked like she was walking on toothpicks. It was the creepiest thing ever. I wanted to offer her some of the snacks I had in my purse, but I don't think she would have understood me...

Ok a few more random pics:
Classy lady right here.

Thankful for large open floors for homework nights.

Turkey baskets held hostage with bubble wrap. I was surprised too...
Even though I had class and one day's worth of work from both jobs, I will be continuing with my remote office job this evening. I have a lot of homework for my full day off tomorrow. Night people.

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