So, technically the year started 22 days ago, but who's really counting?
I decided recently that it's time to get my crap lined up in a row (like ducks, only different). I will be graduating (not that I feel like it really counts since it's just my Associates degree) after this semester concludes. Why am I finishing after just a few years, you may ask? Pretty much because the school I attend is a leech, sucking the life and money out of me and every student that doesn't have mommy and daddy footing the bill. They are seriously expecting me to pay the same amount as I would for medical school, but I'm in art school... I just can't justify it. So, what do I do about it?
I leave. Ha.
Hopefully with a kick-ass portfolio and contacts for that "real job" I keep getting told I need to have. Now, on to figure out what I want that to be, and then how I might possible reach that job. Honestly, the only thing I am afraid of when it comes to leaving school are the horrific bills that will come back to haunt me. I'm a survivor (and I hope you have that song in your head now), and I can mold myself to be anything I need to be in order to make it through life. I can be a receptionist, a retail clerk, a bartender, etc. So far, I haven't been the happiest at any of these jobs. That's mostly because they aren't at all creative. I end up being really good at every job I've had, but they don't make me feel really good.
What do I do to get on this path of getting paid for my creativity? Well first of all, I need a goal. I think I have actually figured out that I want to work with wine in some way. I love wine. I love how it tastes, how it smells, makes me feel, and where it grows. Vineyards are so therapeutic. I seriously considered going to school to become a master sommelier before I settled on the idea of photography being what I wanted to do to be happy in my career. I asked myself a few months ago, Why can't I do both?
So that's my next step: figuring out how to do both. I think I will try a few things. First, I've been looking at wine magazines, trying to see what kind of work they have there so that I might actually be someone they want to hire. Second, I would love to just work at a winery. Even out in the field (literally), picking grapes or something. I feel like my photography has been way to forced since I have been in school. It's grown, but it's definitely not things I really enjoy doing. I feel like taking a break from forcing myself might let the creative juices start flowing.
Anyone have any other crazy-awesome ideas for me to get on the path of payment for the love of photography and wine? I'm open to any suggestions. Now, time to be the wine-o I am and go buy a bottle of red. Cheers!